Legacy (Anna Strong Chronicles #4) - Page 48/69

GLORIA DOESN'T REACT TO JAMIE'S WORDS. HER face reflects neither anger at, nor denial of, the accusation. It reflects nothing at all.

Gloria is an actress. Her life is played out in drama. This lack of animation is scary-the deadly calm at the center of a hurricane.

It also gives her away.

David, as always, is oblivious. He's looking at Jamie, indignation tightening the corners of his mouth. "You don't really believe Gloria staged a suicide attempt, do you? With the help of a teenager, yet?"

Good old David. Even now he comes to her defense. For me, though, each puzzle piece is falling into place. "Let's look at it objectively, David. The amateurish choice of drugs, stealing the bellman's uniform, Gloria could easily have set that up. Jason didn't need a passkey to get into the suite. Gloria let him in."

Gloria stares down at her hands, twisting the sheet into knots, lips compressed in a hard line.

"When David and I were talking about what happened," I continue. "We thought trying to kill Gloria and then calling for help made no sense. It wasn't a murder attempt; it was a diversionary tactic. Jason didn't do it because he wanted to hurt her; he did it because he thought he was helping." I shake my head. "Gloria, you took a chance, like flipping a coin. Heads, being the victim of a murder attempt makes you look innocent to a jury. Tails, if it's determined you did this to yourself, you come off looking guilty as hell."

Gloria stirs, opens her mouth, but Jamie shakes her head and puts a finger to her lips in a signal to stay quiet. She releases a long breath and gets to her feet.

"I'm going to leave now. Anything I heard here this evening is protected under the client/attorney privilege. I have to ask Anna and David to respect that. If the police determine Gloria played a part in a staged suicide attempt, they will bring charges. Gloria, I advise you to remain silent." She picks up her briefcase and turns to David. "Did the doctor tell you when she can go home?"

David hasn't taken his eyes off Gloria. He drags them away now to look at Jamie. "Tomorrow morning."

"Will you pick her up?"

He hesitates and for a minute, I'm afraid he's going to refuse. "Yes," he says finally. "I'll be here."

Jamie closes the door quietly behind her. When I look at David, he's staring again at Gloria, his face clouded with anger. He sees it now. All of it.

Gloria feels the shift, too. She looks up. "I didn't kill O'Sullivan," she says quietly. "You have to believe that."

David shakes his head slowly and pushes up from the chair. "I don't have to believe anything," he says.

He has a hand on the door. "Anna, I'll take you to your car. I'll wait for you outside."

Gloria watches him go. "He must know I couldn't have killed anyone. You believe me, don't you, Anna?" She's crying, making no attempt to wipe away the tears.

"I do. I think, deep down, David does, too. But Gloria, I don't think it matters to him anymore."

I let a heartbeat go by.

"You and Jason. You two have been in contact since the beginning. You wanted us to meet. What would you have done if I hadn't been able to track him down?"

Gloria is still looking at the door. Her voice is soft, wistful. "I knew you'd find him. I've watched you and David in the office. Tracking people down. It's what you do, isn't it?"

"And if I hadn't?"

She shrugs. "He would have called you."

Of course he would have. I can't believe I fell into Gloria's trap.

I feel like a fool. I watch Gloria, still staring at the door, still waiting for David, her David, to rush back in and make everything all right.

I let myself out.

Not happening, Gloria.

DAVID IS WAITING FOR ME AT THE END OF THE HALL, slumped on a bench, his head in his hands.

I was an idiot to think he could get over his obsession with Gloria this fast.

He doesn't notice my approach and when I place a hand on his shoulder, he jumps.

I sit down beside him. "You can go back to your cabin. I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm sorry I did."

He swivels on the bench to look at me. "What? An apology? You must really feel guilty. Good. When this is over, you'll owe me. Big time."

He crosses his arms and leans back. "No. I'm glad you brought me back. I needed to see Gloria the way you evidently have since the beginning. She's so selfish she'll draw anyone into her web if she thinks it will benefit her-even a fourteen-year-old kid. God, what was she thinking?"

I shrug. "She was desperate and scared. Honestly, I don't believe she killed O'Sullivan."

"You sound as if you're going to keep digging. Are you?"

"I guess I am. She's paying me two hundred an hour plus expenses. May as well earn a few bucks I don't have to split with my partner."

He smiles and stands up. "Let's get you back to your car. I have a date, and I want to go home and shower first."

"A date? So soon? Is this a rebound thing?"

"Don't know yet. It's our first date."

We're walking toward the entrance. A tremor of uneasiness slithers along my spine. "Who is this mystery woman? Have I met her?"

"In fact, you introduced us. This afternoon."

I stop, grab his arm. "Tamara? You're going on a date with Tamara?"

He looks down at my hand on his arm, then up at my face. "What's the matter with you? You look sick. Is there a reason I shouldn't go out with her?"

A reason? Jesus. I could give him ten, the first and foremost being his new friend Tamara happens to be a fucking werewolf.