Legacy (Anna Strong Chronicles #4) - Page 49/69

THOUGHTS SPIN AROUND MY HEAD. WHAT CAN I say to convince David that a date with Tamara is not just a bad idea, it might be a fatal one?

I panic when I realize I'm not coming up with anything that makes sense. The panic grows when we step outside and the first thing I see is a huge moon rising over the city like a silver balloon.

The second night of the full moon.

What is Tamara planning for tonight? I remember how she looked at David. I remember how few men were with the pack at Culebra's. Frey's book said werewolves have the right to take and turn a mate. Does the rule apply to female weres as well? Is that how she sees David?

We're at the Hummer. I don't know how we got here and I don't realize David is standing in front of me holding out his hand for his keys until he clears his throat.

"What is it with you?" he says, taking the keys I hand him. "You're pale as a ghost."

He uses the remote to unlock the doors and opens the passenger side for me before crossing to take his place in the driver's seat. He takes a minute to readjust the seat and steering wheel. While he's doing that, he says, "Is there something I should know about Tamara? She's not married, is she? Or divorced with ten kids? Not that I mind kids but I don't know what kind of father I'd be. I've had friends with stepkids and it doesn't always work out well. 'Course, that-"

"Jesus, David." My voice is high-pitched and screechy. "This is a fucking first date. You don't even know the woman. I haven't known her for long. What if she's a flake? Don't you think you should go to lunch maybe or coffee before taking her out at night?"

David looks over with an expression that makes me want to smack him. He's trying hard not to laugh. "Go to lunch or coffee before taking her out at night? What are we, twelve? You want to come along to chaperone?"

Not a bad idea. Well, not coming along to chaperone exactly, but I could follow them. Make sure Tamara keeps her skin on.

David is eyeballing me again. "Come on, Anna. Spill it. You have something against Tamara? I suppose if you do I should hear it. You certainly had Gloria pegged."

Now that I've decided on a course of action, I relax and smile over at him. "No. Get me to my car and you can go on your date. It's a block or so from the Four Seasons. I'll direct you."

David drives with one eye on the road and one on me. I don't reverse myself often. It's amusing to feel his confusion. What wouldn't be amusing is Tamara turning into a werewolf and attacking him. I'm not sure how I'll tail them since he knows my car, but I'll figure something out.

We're about a block from my car when David slows the Hummer. "Holy shit. Is that the Jag? What the hell happened to it?"

His tone snaps me from my reverie. I follow his gaze.

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

The Jag is parked where I left it. Under a streetlight, a block from the hotel.

It's been trashed. The paint is scored with thousands of scratches, every inch of the body scraped and cut. Not even the windows escaped. The ones not shattered outright bear deep nicks and abrasions.

David's voice is hushed. "It looks like it was attacked by a pack of wild dogs."

I'm too stunned to respond, words just won't come, but I know he's right. It was attacked by animals.

Not dogs, though.
