The Beauty the Hunter and the Hunted - Page 13/17

Lilith closed her eyes and tested the wine. It tasted just as good as she remembered, and Lance hadn't lied, she couldn't taste the blood. Lance moved closer to her and began to massage her shoulders. His hands felt strong and warm against her sore muscles.

She sighed as the wine began to take effect. Her body felt warm and her mind spacey. Lilith turned to face Lance and their lips met in a passionate kiss. His tongue danced into her mouth, swirling and engaging her own. Her hands rested against his chest, which allowed her to revel in the feeling of his heart beating against her palm.

His hands cupped her face and Lilith realized that his self-inflicted wound was already healed. Lance sat the goblets aside and Lilith lay back on the bed. Her legs were spread wide, inviting him to enter her. Lance lay next to her and kissed her neck. His tongue flicked across her pulse point and she drew in a sharp breath.

Lilith moved her long locks out of the way and bared her throat to him. Her hands shook, but she trusted him. His mouth captured hers again and she felt his fangs scrape across her bottom lip. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth and coated her taste buds. She drew in a sharp breath of pleasure when Lance trailed his fingers down her spine to her tailbone.

Her pussy was wet and longing for attention. She slipped her hand between her thighs and massaged her swollen clit.

“Allow me,” Lance grinned.

Lilith watched intently as he kissed down her stomach and moved between her thighs. He trailed his fingernails over the sensitive flesh that led to her pleasure mound. Lance cupped her sex in his hand and squeezed gently, trapping her aching clit between her folds.

Lilith moaned and bit her bottom lip. Her hips arched towards Lance as she played with her nipples. She squeezed the perky peaks between her finger and thumb, adding to the feeling of pleasure that Lance was evoking between her thighs.

Lance squeezed again and Lilith's eyes rolled back into her head. The fire in her belly was already lit, but Lance was going to make her wait for release. His finger darted between her lips and brushed against her clit, gently at first, slowly adding more pressure. Lilith's toes curled into the bed as she relaxed into his touch.

Any thought of ceremonies or magic faded away as Lilith's attention was drawn to the sensations washing over her body. Lance slipped two fingers into her making her squirm. Her body squeezed at his digits trying to draw them deeper into her.

Lance worked his fingers in and out of her slippery sex, brushing against her

g-spot again and again. Lilith arched her body, rubbing her swollen little nub against his hand.

Lilith felt the heat from her belly and loins spread through the rest of her body and reality ceased to exist. None of it mattered. Not her job or her ex-employer, or even the fact that Lance was a vampire. Her body was experiencing bliss and pulling her mind along for the ride.

Lance leaned in and flicked his tongue across her slippery, swollen clit. Lilith's fingernails dug into the sheets and her pussy arched towards Lance's face. Her hands moved quickly to the back of his head and held it in place.

Lance lapped at her sex, drinking in her juices of desire, the same way he would drink her blood. His tongue traveled over her folds again and again making her writhe in pleasure.

“Lance,” she moaned.

Lance moved away from her sex and looked down into her eyes. Lilith sighed and pulled him into a kiss. As their tongues danced together the taste of her sex and blood mingled between them.

Lilith arched her hips towards Lance letting him know that she was ready. She moaned loudly as Lance slipped his manhood into her wet pussy. The feeling of fullness and friction sent Lilith over the edge before Lance even began to thrust, but her body was still hungry for more of him.

Her climax washed over her hungry body, making her nipples and clit ache for Lance's affection. Lilith wrapped her arms around the vampire’s neck and her legs around his waist. She wanted to feel her lover deep inside of her, brushing against every inch of her soft crevice.

Lance moved slowly at first, but his pace soon quickened causing Lilith to moan at the height of every thrust. She could feel him gliding over her folds, stimulating her sex and the pleasure spread throughout her being.

“I want to feel you deeper, Lance! Harder!” she cried.

Lance pulled out of her and flipped Lilith over onto her stomach. She instinctively got to her hands and knees, pushing her sex and ass high in the air. Lilith could feel her wetness dripping onto her thighs.

She gasped in shocked pleasure when Lance quickly slid his manhood back into her hungry body. Lilith squeezed him, forcing him to move slowly so that she could revel the feeling of him sliding against every inch of her sex.

Her fingernails dug into the sheets and Lilith bit the pillow as Lance began to thrust. His movements were quick and hard, penetrating her body deeply. His hands held tight to her hips as he moved in and out of her. Lilith moved against him and massaged her clit to feed her hunger and need for another release.

The heat in her belly was searing and spreading through her body like a wild fire. She felt raw and alive and knew she was nearing orgasm, but this time it was more intense. Her eyes rolled back in her head as Lance’s thrusting sent her over the edge.

Lilith's body quivered with pleasure as she called out her pleasure into the pillow. She squeezed Lance's manhood drawing out her pleasure and taking him closer to the edge.

Lance's thrusts became more shallow, but quicker and harder. Lilith bit her lip as every thrust sent a new wave of pleasure washing over her exhausted body. She felt Lance's cock twitch inside of her and then his warm seed exploded. Lilith sighed in pleasure as she collapsed onto the bed. Lance lay on top of her panting for air, but still holding her close.

Questions came to her mind, but Lilith was too tired to think, much less talk. She drifted off to sleep with him still inside of her body.

Chapter 8: Lance

Lance hadn't felt so alive in centuries. His heart pounded as if it might beat right out of his chest. He held tight to Lilith until he was sure she was asleep. The vampire didn't want to get up. He didn't want to go and face the world, but Lance knew he had to. There was too much at stake for him to just remain and enjoy the bliss that had engulfed him.

He allowed himself another moment of laying in silence with the sleeping Lilith before forcing himself to rise. Lance moved carefully, even though he was pretty sure that Lilith was in ceremonial sleep and nothing short of the end of the world would wake her.

The vampire stood at the edge of the bed watching his lover sleep and sighed.

“I'm sorry I'm going to break my promise, Lily, but I have to end this feud once and for all. I love you, remember that no matter what happens,” he said even though he knew she couldn't hear him.

Lance dressed and glanced at Lilith one last time. He was about to leave when he paused to pull the blankets over her.

“Lance,” she murmured.

He kissed her on the forehead and left, shutting the door behind him. The others were eating dinner, but Lance didn't have an appetite. He was too consumed with thoughts of Lilith and their future to worry about food.

“If you two are planning what I think you are, Lance, you need to eat something before you go running off,” Ginger said setting a steak in front of him.

He sighed and resigned himself to eating. It was a surreal feeling to be partaking in such a normal activity while so much was at risk. Lance ate, but didn't taste his food. His mind distracted him again and again with paranoia and worry.

“Get it together,” he told himself, “Lance, you've got to get your head in the game, man!”

After dinner, Ginger took Cinnamon out to the backyard leaving Lance and his brother alone.

“Did it work?” Richard asked.

“We won't know until she wakes up,” Lance said.

“Fair enough,” Richard nodded.

“Any news?” Lance asked.

“Actually, yes,” Richard grinned, “Hunter himself is making the drive here as we speak.”

“How long until he arrives?” Lance asked.

“A few hours,” Richard said.

“Location?” Lance asked.

“Anywhere he expects us to be, but my sources tell me he and his pack will be staying at the Plaza Hotel,” Richard said.

“That's a good place as any to start then,” Lance said walking away.

“Where are you going?” Richard asked.

“To take a shower,” Lance grinned.

Lance showered quickly as he had always done. He didn't like the way a lot of people in the modern era wasted water by standing under the shower head staring at the wall. If you wanted to soak, take a bath. If you wanted to clean, take a shower, but don't stand there and daydream.

He dried and dressed in his active gear. Lance looked at himself in the mirror and grinned. For decades the vampire had not recognized his own reflection, but today the man that looked back at him, he knew well. His green eyes looked lively, determined, and always full of mischief. He grinned without thinking about it, and feeding from Lily had made him feel more alive than ever.

“Hunter, tonight is the night you meet the big mutt in the sky, you bastard!” he said grinning.

Lance paced the hallway and watched the clock. They wanted to be in position before the Lingstons arrived, but not so early to make things look suspicious. Richard was buddies with a guy who worked maintenance at the hotel so they would have access to the ventilation system, and that would provide them adequate coverage to spy on Hunter and the other werewolves.

“It's time,” Lance called to Richard.

There was silence and he knew his brother was saying goodbye to Ginger. They had both accepted long ago that they both could very well die before their mission was ever achieved, but it was a matter of love and honor. Before the idea of death never seemed real to Lance, because he felt he had nothing to live for. Now, with Lilith's return, life and death seemed more solid, and he was determined to keep them all alive.

Lance waited in the car for Richard. He didn't want to seem impatient and ruin their time together. For many years he had envied his brother's relationship with Ginger, because if he, himself wasn't happy, why did anyone else deserve to be? He knew it was a selfish notion, one that Lily would have scolded him for, so he was eventually able to overcome it.