The Beauty the Hunter and the Hunted - Page 14/17

Richard joined him in the car and waved to Ginger. Lance put on his sunglasses to keep the glare of the setting sun from blinding him and pulled out of the driveway. He was thankful that Richard let him drive, even though it was his car. Lance never liked to be in the passenger's seat, because he felt he needed to be in control if disaster struck.

The drive to the Plaza Hotel took less than twenty minutes, but it seemed like an eternity to Lance. Every second brought him closer to his revenge and the end of the century’s long feud. He pulled the car into the parking lot and pulled to a stop. The valet took the keys and a bellhop offered to escort them in, but the brothers waited and watched. Lance didn't like to use the valet service, but when he did he made sure he knew where the hell they put his car. He had never understood why anyone would want to be potentially trapped, because they couldn't locate their own vehicle.

Lance took his sunglasses off and looked around the lobby. Nothing looked out of place, yet. They registered and were shown to their room. The brothers each carried a small suitcase full of supplies they might need, but it was more for looks than luggage.

Once inside, Lance quickly located the vent behind the dresser. He easily shoved the dresser out of the way and tore the cover off.

“Hold up,” Richard cautioned, “we don't even know what room they're going to be in.”

“I'm just getting everything ready,” Lance retorted.

“Don't be in a hurry, Lance, when guys rush they fuck up,” Richard cautioned.

“I know that, Rich,” Lance sighed.

The vampire popped his knuckles and began to gear up. He had smuggled in his own personal arsenal of werewolf killing weapons. He had a machete that would cut a head clear of the spine, and a cross bow that was equipped with arrows that were laced with a sedative that could knock out an elephant, or kill a werewolf in a pinch.

A knock on the door made his senses grew even more alert. He sniffed the air.

“Relax,” Richard said, “It's just Gary. You know the man with info.”

Lance stood watching out the window while Richard answered the door. The parade of black vehicles pulling into the parking lot let Lance know that they were behind schedule.

“The Florence Sweet is where the mutts will be having their meeting,” he heard Gary say, “This is the floor plan of the vent system and how you can get there. You're lucky, because it's one of the few rooms that have a vent large enough to drop down through. Good luck and if you're caught, you stole these on your own,”

Richard nodded and Gary left without another word.

“Time to move out, the hounds are here,” Lance said and snatched the layout from his brother, “Looks simple enough, let's get it started.”

Adrenaline raced through Lance's veins as he entered through the vent shaft. It was time like this that Lance was reminded that he was a predator. Most vampires no longer hunted for their dinner, taking the more noble route of finding willing donors, but that didn't change their nature. At the core of his being, Lance was a predator, wild and dangerous, and these hounds had hurt his mate. He suppressed a growl before it had the chance to echo through the ventilation system.

He had memorized the map, but it had been a waste of time. The smell of dog filled his nostrils even from across the hotel. Lance followed his nose to his prey. The voice of Hunter Lingston echoed through the shaft.

“We're close enough to hear,” Richard whispered, “We can stop here.”

Lance nodded and listened. Hunter was rallying his packs morale and planning their deaths. Anger threatened to overcome the vampire, but like any good predator he decided to bid his time. He would deliver his deadly strike at the exact moment of perfection.

“I need to get closer,” Lance whispered.

“This is recon, not war,” Richard frowned.

“It's always been a war, brother,” Lance said.

He crawled silently towards the sound of Hunter's voice. Through the slits in the shaft, Lance could see the mutts gathered around their alpha. Bile threatened to rise in his throat as he looked down upon them in disgust.

Hunter's laughter exploded through the room and Lance could no longer hold back his anger. It flooded through his body as if it had just broken down some invisible dam. He slid the arrow of his crossbow through one of the slits and took aim between Hunter's broad shoulder blades. With a silent cry of triumphant he released the arrow and watched with satisfaction as it soared through the air and hit its mark.

Everyone looked towards the shaft, but Lance was already out of view. He wanted to stick around and watch Hunter writhe in agony as he died, but Lance knew they had to get the hell away from the pack. The others would follow them, but they were ready. Scores of vampires, Ragatti and otherwise had waited for this moment for centuries. The time of the hounds was coming to an end and a new era would rise. The other kin would see an old powerhouse return, the Ragatti's would reclaim their honor!

Lance and Richard followed the ventilation system to the nearest outside exit and headed for the car. Richard followed behind him silently. Lance knew that his brother didn't agree with his actions, but he didn't care. Nothing could ruin his moment of victory. He had waited too long to let one disbeliever stand in his way.

Once back on the road Lance dared a glance at his brother.

“Are you fucking insane?” Richard demanded.

“No,” Lance grinned, “I'm just me. The bastard had it coming!”

“Lance, you're losing sight of what's important!” Richard scowled, “I understood wanting to find Lily and wanting to keep her safe,”

“This is keeping her safe and Ginger too,” Lance said pulling onto the highway.

“I don't think anything good will comes of this. The feud between our family and the Lingstons has been at a standstill for centuries, but now it will be a blood bath. Is that what you want?” Richard asked, “Do you think that will keep Lily safe or will it end like it did last time?”

Lance didn't answer his brother, because he feared he was correct. His anger had gotten away from him, but he knew they would never live in peace as long as Hunter was alpha to the Lingston Pack. There were other werewolves that he could see doing a good job, but Hunter would never leave them in peace.

“Let's just get home and do damage control,” Richard sighed.

“Sounds like a plan,” Lance nodded.

The hair on the back of Lance's neck stood on end when they pulled into the driveway. He didn't see their snipers where they should have been. His hands balled at his sides as he exchanged a worried look with his brother.

He popped his neck and opened the door. For a moment both of them stood tense waiting for the ambush, but it didn't come. Lance ran through the house and the smell of blood filled his nostrils. He ignored the carnage of the situation and ran to the room where Lily should have been.

Lance kicked open the door and kicked again upon finding the room empty. There was no blood and no sign of a struggle. Lily must have still been asleep when they took her.

“Is anyone here alive?” he called down to Richard.

“No,” Richard answered.

“How the fuck could they wipe out everyone?” Lance demanded.

He punched the wall hard, breaking through its layers to the other side.

“Calm down,” Richard said and crossed his arms, “This blood doesn't belong to the girls.”

“They have them!” Lance said and kicked the wall.

“We'll get them back,” Richard said walking towards the door.

Lance followed behind him silently. The carnage before him caused his anger to boil over again and he let out a primal cry. The bodies that surrounded him were of his friends and brothers-in-arms, the Lingston Hounds would pay for their deaths.

Outside they encountered one werewolf waiting for them by the car.

“You're going to need someone who knows the inside,” he said.

“I'm going to fucking kill you, Simon,” Lance shouted and drew back his fist.

Richard grabbed his arm.

“What do you know, Simon?” he asked.

“I know that my father has your mates,” Simon said.

“That's pretty obvious,” Richard said.

“Do you know your father is a dead dog?” Lance growled.

“No, Lance, that was my uncle,” Simon crossed his arms.

“How do we know we can trust you?” Richard asked

“I'm married with children, I don't want a war, man!” Simon said shaking his head, “My youngest one just started kindergarten last week. I remember how it was and I don't want that.”

“Fair enough,” Richard nodded.

“I don't trust him,” Lance said.

“Well, you don't really have a choice do you, blood sucker?” Simon smirked.

Chapter 9: Lilith

Lance kissed her hand and they ran from the altar. They were supposed to stay for the party and dancing, but the newlyweds just wanted time alone. There would be plenty of time for dancing later. Lilith's face was flushed from the excitement and tears of joy that seemed to be never ending. Her wedding had been a grand one; even her skeptical father had been in attendance to walk her down the aisle.

Lilith watched as Lance untied the horse from its post. Her hands shook with anticipation of the night ahead of them. They had been together before, but this time would be different. Tonight marked their first night together as life mates and the beginning of their eternity together.

Lance's strong hands lifted her onto the horse's back and then slid behind her. One of his muscular arms wrapped around her waist. She leaned back against enjoying the warmth of his body against hers.

“I love you, Lance,” she said softly looking up at him.

“I love you too, Lily,” Lance said and kissed her neck, “and I always will.”

“I hope so, you just vowed to,” she teased him.

Lance stopped the horse and got down. He lifted her from the saddle and stood her in front of him.