Real Vampires Have More to Love (Glory St. Clair #6) - Page 57/65

“Had the Devil’s own time getting it, but I’ve always wanted to make love to you as the sun came up.” Jerry kissed me. “Stop now, no tears. We’ll do it tomorrow night.”

Would we? I knew that after I told him about Rafe, making love would be the last thing on Jerry’s mind. I managed a smile.

“I’d love that. But we can’t skip the club opening.”

“You sure? Spending an evening watching Israel Caine isn’t my idea of fun.”

“He came to the club tonight and sang for Flo. It was so sweet.” I eased out of Jerry’s arms.

“Sweet? Doubt that.” Jerry frowned. “Probably trying to score points with you. Did he?”

“I’m not on his radar, Jerry. Ray’s into Nadia now. He just did it for Flo, and so he could practice his set. We have to go tomorrow night. Flo and CiCi are looking forward to it. Think of it as a wedding party.” I pushed him away and sat up. “I’m serious. We need to talk.”

“On the bed.” Jerry grinned. “Whatever you say, lover.”

I stood and stepped back. “This is serious, Jerry.”

“All right, then. Talk.” He still smiled, obviously thinking I was playing.

“You knew that Rafe is part demon and didn’t tell me.” I lifted my chin. “Didn’t it occur to you I should have been clued in about that when you made him my bodyguard?”

“What the hell?” Jerry jumped up. “Did he use his powers around you?” He put his hands on my shoulders. “Why can’t I hear your thoughts? Damn it, quit blocking me.”

“I’m not blocking you, Jerry. No one can hear my thoughts now.” I sighed. “Sit and listen.”

“What the hell’s going on, Gloriana?” Jerry touched my cheek, his concern so real, so complete, I wanted to throw myself into his arms and sob.

“I had a couple of visits in the shop from a she-demon who claimed to be married to Rafe.”

“Claimed? I am married to that cheating asshole. The Mayori’s annulment is a nonstarter. It’s till death do us part, sweet cheeks.”

“Shit.” Jerry put his arms around me. “How bad was it?”

“She attacked me. I called in Richard, and he did some things to try to get rid of her. He thought he’d obliterated the bitch. But instead, she slithered inside me.” I took a watery breath.

“Bitch? Take this, bloodsucker.” Alesa hit me so hard I collapsed, a wave of nausea and heat sucking the life right out of me. Anything she’d done before seemed like a love tap.

“Gloriana? What’s the matter? Love?” Jerry laid me on the bed. He patted my cheeks, then bit his wrist and held it to my lips. A drink from him and I finally came back from wherever I’d been.

“When Alesa gets mad, she hits me with heat. That was worse than usual.” I sat up with Jerry’s help, but the room spun.

“Watch your mouth, that’s all I’m sayin’.” Alesa huffed and puffed, so maybe a serious hit took something out of her too.

“Damn it. You mean she’s still inside you?” Jerry paced the rug next to the bed after I nodded. “Can’t Richard do something about this?”

“I’ve asked him about it. He’s researching. Maybe he’ll know something tomorrow night.” I sighed. “She talks inside my head, Jerry. It’s a running commentary.”

“You can’t be serious.” Jerry stopped in his tracks.

“Oh, yes. She’s driving me crazy.”

Jerry pulled me to my feet to hold me. “I’m sorry.”

“I like this guy. He’s hot. So quit talking and get with it.” Alesa just had to remind me she was on board.

If I bitch slapped myself, would she feel it? I almost tried it.

“Gloriana, this is intolerable. I never should have hired a demon to guard you.” Jerry stroked my hair, his arms strong around me.

“You had no way of knowing this could happen.” I sighed and pushed back to sit on the bed again. “But maybe this is a sign. You should let him off the hook. Rafe told me all about it.”

Jerry frowned at me. “What is this? Best buds sharing secrets? That’s why he still owes me, Gloriana. Valdez’s first loyalty should have been to me. A demon bride. Damn it, I guess it’s a miracle he kept you safe for five years.”

“He’d die for me, Jerry. You know that. He’s proved it more than once. Give him a break.” I reached for his hand.

“This is between Valdez and me, Gloriana. I’m worried about this demon. You say Richard will be at the club tomorrow night? I want his take on the situation. We’ll get rid of this demon for you. No matter what it takes.” Jerry ran a hand through his hair, his sure sign of agitation.

It was now or never, and never wasn’t really an option. “I have something else to tell you.”

“What?” Jerry sat beside me. “Something about the demon?”

“No, it’s . . . well, maybe it’s connected to the demon.” I took a breath and tried to unclench my fists. Couldn’t do it. Oh, God, but I hated to hurt Jerry. “While you were gone, I, well, Rafe and I hooked up.”

Jerry moved fast, like only an ancient vampire could. He suddenly stood across the room, his hands fisted, his back to me. His nearly naked body trembled with rage.

“Hooked up.” He said it so quietly only vamp hearing could have picked it up. “That’s modern slang. It means ...”

“We slept together.”

He turned in a blur and pinned me with blazing eyes. I squirmed and wanted to disappear.

“Tell it like it is, Gloriana. Vampires don’t ‘sleep together.’ Sleep is death to us. Vampires fuck. You fucked Rafe. He fucked you. Is that right?” His voice was cold, hard.

“Yes.” I picked at the bedspread. Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Jerry.”

“Are you?” He stared at me like he was trying to figure me out, this woman he couldn’t read and no longer knew. I shuddered with a chill and for once wished Alesa would throw me some heat. “Why?”

“Because I love you. It was a mistake. Rafe is my friend. I was a fool, thinking what I felt for him was more than friendship. It wasn’t.”

“How nice that you found that out by screwing him first.” Jerry’s laugh killed me. “How was it with the shifter? Did he do it doggie-style?” He streaked across the room and lifted me by my shoulders. “Did he? Was this the first time? Or did he shift into human form when he was with you before for five long years. Your dear friend. How close were you, Gloriana?”

“I swear, Jeremiah, it wasn’t until after Alesa got inside me that I gave in to the urge—” I shut up. Too late.

“So the urge was there, but then the Devil made you do it. What a convenient excuse. And then I left town so you didn’t have to sneak around.” Jerry released me, and I fell back to the bed. “Obviously you didn’t bother since I’m sure Richard knows and Flo, of course. Who else?” Jerry’s dark eyes bored into me. “Christ, is every vampire in Austin laughing at me because my woman lifted her skirts for a damned dog?”

“Rafe’s not—”

“You will not defend him to me, Gloriana!” Jerry roared, yes, roared until plates in the downstairs china cabinet rattled.

“Please, calm down. I love you, Jeremiah, only you. I will never be with Rafe again. I told him that. That it was a mistake.” I wanted to touch him, to melt some of the steel out of his jaw with a kiss. But the blaze in his eyes and stiff posture warned me away. He didn’t say another word, his face hard. Just stalked into his closet and grabbed black trousers, stepping into them and zipping them up. Next came a white shirt that he buttoned while he slipped into black loafers.

“Go home, Gloriana. You can find your way. Go to your lover. He is still living with you, isn’t he?” Jerry’s gaze scraped over me, brutal as a fist, as he waited for my nod. “How . . . convenient.” He picked up his wallet and cell phone and strode out of the room. Then I heard the back door slam. A plate shattered in the dining room. Too many vibrations.

I sat there for a minute or maybe five. I didn’t bother to check a clock. I was numb. Well, not exactly. Numb would have been way better. This ache radiated from my chest. Like I’d been body-slammed into a concrete wall.

What had I expected? I’d cheated and, even worse, betrayed him with a shape-shifter he’d trusted. Jerry’s pride was hurt, and I’d acted like the lowborn slut his mother had always called me. Mag Campbell would love this.

I jumped up, suddenly scared that Jerry had left here with violence in mind. He could be hurt, or worse, going up against a man with demon skills. I tried to call Rafe to warn him but got voice mail. I left a two-word message. “Jerry knows.” It was enough. Surely Rafe knew I’d never forgive him if he killed Jerry. Then I ran to the closet. Broadsword still there. Stupid, of course it was. I think I would have noticed if Jerry had gone charging out of here with it.

He had two. I hurried down the stairs and sighed with relief to see his spare hanging over the mantel, where it belonged. Okay, he was using his fists and fangs, not his usual weapon of choice. Then again, maybe he wasn’t going after Rafe at all. Maybe he’d decided I wasn’t worth it.

I didn’t know how to take that. Jerry’s disdain was what I deserved. But to never be with him again . . . Worse. To lose his love and respect. I fell to the floor in front of the fireplace and gave in to the sobs that had been building inside me.

“He’ll come back. He was hot for you before, he’ll be hot for you again. I’ll give you pointers.” Alesa’s voice hit my last nerve.

“Shut up, you stupid bitch. Don’t even pretend to understand an honorable man.” I slammed my head against the floor. “I’ve lost the best thing I had in my life.” Jerry. God, I hated what I’d done. Didn’t see any way he’d ever forgive me. Alesa stayed silent, rightly figuring I’d reached my limit with her.