Real Vampires Have More to Love (Glory St. Clair #6) - Page 58/65

I shuddered and wiped my eyes on my petticoat. I had to get going, and indulging in tears wasn’t getting me anything but swollen eyes. I let myself out of Jerry’s house, leaving my key on the kitchen counter. It was the right thing to do, but it started the waterworks again. So, as I shifted and flew home to change, it was a crying mockingbird that flew through the night toward Sixth Street.

N-V was packed, with a long line of ticket holders eager to hear Israel Caine at the door. Not that I had to wait in a line. I whammied my way to the front and was ushered inside, a special guest of the owners. Nadia greeted me, radiant in a red mini. She was actually friendly, obviously certain I was no competition, and claimed Rafe was busy in the back. Just as well. I didn’t have a clue what to say to him except to ask him to hide from Jerry, and I doubted he’d do that.

I settled into my chair at our reserved table. Flo and Richard were there, along with CiCi, Freddy and Derek. Damian arrived with Diana on his arm, causing all of us to wonder if that old affair might be heating up again. The empty chair next to me caused comment, which I waved away with a vague mention of Jerry’s business problems.

“Richard, do you have a minute?” I smiled at him and nodded toward the hall.

He glanced around the table. “Darling, Gloriana and I will be right back. Need anything?” He kissed Flo on the cheek.

“No, take care of my friend. Tell her about your conversation with Jeremiah earlier.” Flo smiled at me, but I could tell she was worried.

“We’ll only be a few minutes.” I touched Flo’s shoulder. She looked gorgeous as usual in a bright blue designer dress with a fabulous diamond pin holding up one shoulder. Her dark hair was pulled back, and she glowed with happiness, except when she looked at me. “I’ll be okay. You’re the bride. Enjoy this week. Promise not to let my messes worry you.”

“We will fix your messes, I hope. Last night’s party was the best.” She stood and hugged me, then shooed Richard away. “Go, take care of my BFF.”

“On it.” Richard smiled and took my elbow. He found a storage room, and we stepped inside, then shut the door.

“Can you help me get rid of this demon, Richard?”

“Oh, please. Like this pious asshole can help you. Remember who got us together in the first place?” Alesa turned up the thermostat, and I grabbed a pamphlet to fan myself.

“I brought my things. When the show is over, we can go to your place and try an exorcism.” Richard put his hand on my shoulder, then snatched it away. “God, Glory, you’re burning up.”

“You don’t have to tell me that. Alesa shoots me with hellfire on a regular basis.” I wished for ice and looked around. A vent was overhead, and I stood under it. Thank God Rafe had the air-conditioning going.

“I have to warn you, Gloriana, this demon is stronger than any I’ve dealt with before. The very fact that she was able to get inside you after what I did in the shop proves that.” Richard took the paper I handed him and began to fan me too. “Obviously you’re desperate.”

“Damn right.” I sighed. “Just do your best, Richard.”

“Hah. Let him try. I’m not afraid of his puny holy water routine.” Alesa cackled, and the hairs on my arms stood up. “By the time I get through with you, Glory St. Clair, you’ll be Lucifer’s sock puppet. Just wait and see.”

“Flo said . . . You talked to Jerry?” I realized Richard wasn’t meeting my gaze. “I told him about Rafe. He lost it.”

“I know. He came by the house. I tried to calm him down. Put the blame on this demon. It seemed as good a reason as any for you and Rafe.” Richard’s smile was wry. “My bride told him the same thing. Flo will do anything to make you happy, Gloriana, and thinks you want to be with Blade.”

“She’s right. Flo’s the best.” I sniffed but refused to cry again. I usually healed fast, but too much drinking and demon were taking a toll, and I knew I looked like hell. I’d pulled out a low-cut red dress to distract but had a feeling my fake smile wasn’t fooling anyone.

“I hated hurting Jerry, but what’s done is done. I just hope Jerry can look past it and we can figure out a way to move on.” I sighed. “Thanks for trying, Richard. I know he’s your friend, and I don’t want you caught in the middle.”

“Oh, that won’t happen. Flo and I are leaving on our honeymoon right after the wedding. We hope you two will resolve things before we get back.” Richard tried to touch my shoulder again but shook his head. “The heat. Still can’t believe it.”

“Believe it.” I headed back to our table. Jerry was there, looking so good and so completely unconcerned that I’d arrived that my heart broke. He was laughing with CiCi and the rest of the crew, then signaled the waiter for another round before he stood to hold out my chair, always the gentleman. As soon as I was seated, he turned back to Damian.

“Bachelor party tomorrow night at my house to give Richard a proper send-off.” He smiled at Freddy and Derek. “You two’ll be there, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Freddy glanced at me. “Glory, can you send over that male stripper you had here? Mother won’t quit raving about him. The rest of the guys won’t appreciate him, but Derek and I’d like a peek.”

“Nope, that was a onetime deal.” I grinned at them. “Flo, you allowing Richard to have a female stripper at his party?”

“Allowing?” Jerry finally looked at me. “Surely Richard doesn’t ask permission to do as he pleases. Do you, Richard?”

“No, Florence is free to pursue her interests, and I’m free to—” Richard grunted. “Well, maybe not.” He laughed. “I have a very expensive shoe pointing . . . Well, gentlemen, since I hope to enjoy my honeymoon, we’re changing the subject.”

Everyone laughed, and the waiter arrived with refills of the Blott-O Nadia had available for vampires who came to the club.

By the time the show started, the place was packed, standing room only. We settled back to watch the show, a great Israel Caine performance. Ray coaxed Sienna Star from another balcony table to sing their famous duet, and they brought down the house. When the lights finally went up, I turned to say something to Jerry, but he was gone. He’d shown up just long enough to greet old friends, and that was all. Damn.

We said good-bye to the rest, then Flo, Richard and I headed to my apartment. To my surprise, CiCi insisted on coming along.

“I have some things to try if Richard’s exorcism doesn’t work. I hope you don’t mind.” CiCi pulled a tote bag from her car, parked at the curb near my shop.

“No, not at all. I just hope I don’t need anything else.” I turned to Richard, who had his own bag of tricks with him.

“Relax, mia amica. Ricardo has done this before.” Flo slipped off her shoes and settled on my living room couch.

“Yes, but exorcisms are tricky. No guarantees. And I’m no longer a priest, you know. I can bring you one, if you wish.” Richard took my hand.

“No, we’d have to whammy a real priest, and he’d be freaked by the whole vampire thing anyway.” I squeezed his hand. “I think you’re my best shot, Richard. Where do you want me?”

He pointed toward the bedroom. “In there. Florence, you two wait out here. I don’t need an audience.”

“Fine.” CiCi opened my laptop. “Do you mind if I do a little research, Glory?”

“Help yourself.” I followed Richard into my bedroom. I admit I was scared. What would Alesa do during this? She’d hit me pretty hard just for calling her a bitch.

“That’s right, honey. So get ready. Priest Boy’s going down.” Alesa sounded gleeful.

“Richard.” I grabbed his arm. “Alesa’s gearing up. Please promise you’ll stop if it looks like my head’s going to explode or spin like a top.”

“Of course. There’s no point in exorcising the demon if I kill you doing it.” Richard patted my hand. “Now you feel cool. That’s a good sign.”

“Or really bad.” I looked toward Heaven. “Oh, Lord, give me strength.” I crossed myself even though I’d never been Catholic.

“Take off your shoes and lie on the bed. Close your eyes and let me do my thing. No matter what, try to lie still and not fight me.” Richard sounded so serious my stomach flipped.

My eyes snapped open. “Wait. Don’t hurt yourself. Flo would never forgive me. Promise. If it looks like Alesa is trying to jump into you, stop. I’ll keep her if I have to.”

I heard a trill of hysterical laughter that shredded my nerves. “Are you kidding me? Inhabit that uptight prick? I’d as soon live inside your beat-up dresser, numbnut.”

“Close your eyes. Here goes.” Richard began reciting prayers and sprinkling me with what I figured was holy water. I hissed as heat seared me and the water sizzled. Great. I’d turned into a damned griddle. Sweat ran down my sides, and I cursed myself for not changing out of that cute red dress. Forget dresses. When my head blew and my brains hit the ceiling, what I wore wouldn’t matter. My arms twitched and my feet drummed the mattress, but I knew Alesa was still on board.

Richard’s voice got louder and more desperate. I was so drenched now that I appreciated my waterproof mattress pad. He touched my shoulder and my forehead, then jerked his hands away with a yell. I figured Alesa had given him a jolt of electricity. Running feet and the door crashed open.

“Stop!” Flo’s voice. “Mio amante! Look at your hands.”

My eyes popped open, and I sat up. Flo cradled Richard’s blackened and charred hands.

“Richard, no! We’re stopping this.” I fell back.

“It didn’t work, did it?” Richard croaked.

“Hell, no, it didn’t work. How’d you like that demo, Glory? You could do that. Scorch anyone who touched you. Or flame them with a look. Talk about power. Major buzz, baby.”