Redeeming Vows - Page 31/72


“Lizzy, what is it?”

“I can’t hear him.”


“Simon,” she snapped. “I can’t reach him.” She tapped her head so the others knew what she meant.

“Can you reach Ian?”

Lora paused for a moment, then nodded. “Aye, he’s on his way here now with Duncan.”

“Simon’s not with them?”

Amber stepped forward. “Fin, Todd, and Simon were alone.”

Liz smoothed a hand over her hair bound in a snood. Simon? Dammit, where are you?


Tears stung the back of her eyes. Flashes of Grainna holding her son to her side and laughing grabbed hold of her head and repeated over and over. Not again.

“Fin and Todd wouldn’t allow anything to happen to Simon.” Myra’s smooth voice of reason reached her thoughts.

“We need to find them.”

They started toward the doorway and were intercepted by Ian and Duncan.

Lora explained the situation quickly.

Ian lent a reassuring smile. “Calm yourself, lass.

Duncan and I’ll search for them.”

Liz stepped forward. “I’m going with you.” There was no way in hell she’d wait behind.

Ian appeared ready to argue, and then nodded once. “Verra well.” He turned to his wife. “Let us know if they return here.”

She smiled. “Be safe.”

Ian winked before the three of them headed out.

The masses of people swam before them, laughing and carrying on as if not having a care in the world. Somewhere, deep inside her, Liz knew they didn’t have a clue about Grainna, or the danger she posed.

One of the MacTavish sons smiled as they approached his party.

“Laird Ian, Duncan… ye look to be on a mission.”

“Searching for Finlay and Todd. Have ye seen them?” Duncan asked. On any other day, Liz would be annoyed that the men overlooked her. Even her son was omitted from their search.

“Not for some time. Is anything amiss?”

“Nay,” Ian added quickly.

Liz seethed quietly. She wanted to correct him and strengthen their search by using all the people there to look.

“If they come this way I’ll let them know yer looking for them.”

Duncan thanked him.

“Why not let him help search?” Liz asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

“Lass, ye know we can’t do that. If…” Ian paused and glanced to the sky. “If she is found with them, ye know what we’ll be in need of doing.”

Oh, God. Her hands shook violently now.

Memories of Simon’s abduction by Grainna and now dead accomplice Michael, seized her. Simon stood in the circle of stones. Michael held a knife to his throat. The knife pushed into his flesh.

“Elizabeth.” Ian sounded like Fin.

“I’m okay.” She pushed past him. “Come on.”

They found the outskirts of camp and started toward the back of the keep.

Where are you, Simon.

Liz stopped, pivoted. She heard something.


“What is it, lass?” Ian asked.

“Shhh!” She closed her eyes and attempted to block out the sound of nearby people. Simon? Can you hear me?


Her knees gave out. Ian kept her from falling.

“Where are you?” she said the words aloud for Ian and Duncan’s benefit.

We’re… the…

Liz couldn’t make out his words. And he sounded strange.


The next time he spoke, she heard the words woods and ocean. Her brief reprieve from hearing his voice gave way to another worry. Why did she have trouble hearing him?

“I’m having a hard time hearing him. He said something about the woods by the ocean.”

They turned in that direction and quickened their pace. The crowd thinned out the closer they came to the woods.

Where are you?

You’re getting closer, he said, his words clearing in her head.

How did he know where they were? Can you hear us?

Not exactly.

Is everything okay? Are Fin and Todd with you?

Something wasn’t right.

Fin and Todd are right here.

“This way.” She pushed through the brush, toward her son’s voice. Ian and Duncan kept close.

Movement caught her eye and had her picking up her skirt to move faster.

Todd came into her view first. His face turned toward hers. He acknowledged her with a nod and turned his attention back behind him.

Fin knelt beside a large gray wolf, his hand resting on top of its head.

“Where’s Simon?” He wasn’t anywhere around.

“Simon?” Liz yelled aloud.

Ahh, I’m right here, Mom.

Her eyes widened and her gaze fell to the four-legged animal who sat next to Fin. “Ohmygod.” She ran to his side, skidded to a halt, and pushed Fin aside. “What did you let him do?”

“Calm down, Elizabeth,” Fin told her, knowing she wasn’t going to do well with the new change with her son.

“Calm down? You’re telling me to calm down?”

she yelled. “We’ve been looking for you guys for nearly an hour. And didn’t Ian tell us to not do this?”

She waved her hand toward her son.

“That I did,” Ian chimed in, pissed off.

“See? Even Ian’s mad.”

Fin eyed his father and opened his mouth to explain.

“Stay out of this, Simon,” Liz scolded her son who obviously was talking in his head. “No but Moms. Change back and let’s get you back to camp.”

This wasn’t going to be good . Fin waited for Lizzy to explode.

“What?” Liz turned her deadly stare Fin’s way.

“He’s having a hard time shifting back.” Which was why they were still in the woods.

Liz’s hands flew to her face. “No. Oh, God no.”

“Relax.” Wrong word. Fin knew it before he even closed his lips.

“Don’t tell me to relax.” She took Simon’s furry head in both her hands and petted the top of his ears. “Are you okay?”

Fin felt the pressure of Simon’s inability to shift back start to ease. Without being able to talk with the boy, he didn’t exactly know what stopped him from turning back. Now that Lizzy was there, maybe they could figure it out.

“I’m not mad,” she told him.

Duncan leaned down. “We didn’t know where you were and your mom was frightened.”

Fin noticed his father staring his way. He stepped over and let Liz talk with her son.