Redeeming Vows - Page 32/72

“It isn’t how it looks,” Fin told him.

More patient than he would be, Ian crossed his arms over his chest and said nothing. Fin turned to Todd. “Why don’t you and Duncan keep an eye out for others?”

“Good idea,” said Todd.

By the time Duncan and Todd stepped out of sight, Liz spoke to her son completely inside her head. Every once in a while she’d glare Fin’s way and then turn her attention back to her son. After a few minutes, Fin couldn’t take any more. “What is he saying?”

“He doesn’t know why he can’t change back.”

“Why did he change in the first place?” Ian’s loud baritone voice left little doubt to his anger.

Lizzy quickly waved her hand at Ian behind her back, and she attempted to sooth Simon. “No, honey, he isn’t angry. Just try and relax. You can switch back.”

Ian stopped asking questions.

Simon closed his wolfish eyes.

Fin held his breath and prayed the boy would change back.

“Remember your legs, your arms. Think of being—” Liz didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence. Simon transformed out of the shift in only a few seconds. He stood on the ground, naked and quickly covered his genitals.

Liz gasped and gathered Simon in her arms despite his protest about being naked.

Fin’s heart lifted. Relief flooded him.

Ian picked up Simon’s clothing at his feet and brought it to him. “Well done, son. Now hurry with these.”

“I’m sorry.” Simon’s voice sounded small.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Fin reminded him.

“You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”

Simon lifted a leg and dressed swiftly.

Lizzy turned her back to them all. Fin heard her sniffle and knew she did her best to hide her tears.

Once Simon was dressed Fin said, “Father, could you take Simon back to camp? I’d like a word with Elizabeth alone.”

Ian clasped Simon around his shoulders. “Come, the rest of the family is anxious to see you.”

Simon smiled. “I didn’t mean to worry everyone.”

“Yer well. ’Tis all that matters.”

Simon turned to his mom. “Are you okay, Mom?”

Lizzy pivoted and sent him her most endearing smile. “I love you, sport. We’re good.”

Fin watched until his father and Simon disappeared from sight. Then he turned and found Lizzy’s fist pounding into his chest, nearly throwing him off balance.

Chapter Fourteen

“Why? Why did you let him do that?”

Fin accepted her fists as they hit his chest with each word. The tears streaming down her face brought home how frightened she’d been. With Lizzy, anger always followed scared.

Her accusation didn’t surprise Fin. “You said you’d watch over him, keep him safe.”

“Is he not safe?”

“He couldn’t turn back. God, what would we do if—” “He did shift back. Everything is fine.” The fire spitting from her eyes put the blame squarely on his shoulders.

“Simon told me that he was talking to you about trying a new form.”

Which was true. While the three of them were alone, Simon had approached the subject. For a moment, Fin thought it wouldn’t do any harm for Simon to try, so long as no one from camp saw. This was surely the reason why he felt guilty when it happened. He hadn’t stopped Simon in time.

Then again, the three of them had been distracted.

He tried to reason. “Simon felt Grainna’s presence.”

Lizzy ran a dry hand over her wet cheeks.

“Yeah, well, he wasn’t the only one. Why do you think we were frantic to find you guys?”

“Before we knew it, Simon had changed,” he explained. “I think his fear caused his reaction.”

“You should have stopped him.” She swiveled away from him and started pacing.

“I did.” He had yelled out for him to stop, but it was too late. As seconds passed, then minutes, and Simon didn’t shift back, Fin knew they had a problem. “You would have fared no better in stopping him than I did.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” She stormed his direction again, stopping only when her chin was a breath away from his chest. “I would have,” she said, poking his chest with her finger.

Enough. He grasped her hand in his, halting her assault. “You’re scared, worried, and perhaps even mad at yourself for not keeping Simon within arm’s reach. I understand that. The boy is fine, Elizabeth.

Grainna didn’t touch him.” Thank God.

Her shoulders rose and fell with each heated breath she pulled into her lungs. Her pert little nose flared as her eyes swiveled back and forth between his. Fin knew the moment the ranting fled her body and relief took its place.

She laid her head on the chest she’d stopped poking and gave into the flood of tears.

Fin wrapped his arms around her lithe frame and absorbed her cries.

God she was fragile, delicate, and in need of protection just as Logan had hinted days before.

Fin ran his hand over her cold shoulders and leaned his body into hers. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened his mind to hers. What he saw there wasn’t a frightened mother. What he found petrified him. For a brief moment he envisioned Simon lifeless and at the feet of Grainna. His heart lurched in his chest and had him holding Lizzy tighter.

“I’ll never let that happen,” he pleaded, praying she’d empty her mind of such images. They would surely give her nightmares.

Her sobs echoed in the forest.

When Fin couldn’t take her pain any longer, he placed his hands on both side of her head and gently pulled her face from his chest. He stared deep in her sky blue eyes and did the only thing he knew would take her mind off what might have been.

He kissed her.

Salty tears wet her lips and reminded him of how brittle she was. Lizzy’s breath caught in her chest and for a moment, she simply accepted his mouth on hers, his touch, his taste. Then her fists that clutched his chest moments before raked behind his shoulders and forced him so close he wasn’t sure where his body ended and hers began.

His body responded with an urgency reminding him of his youth. Lizzy swiped her hand down his back and over his ass, inflaming his need of her to a feverish pitch.

Their tongues dueled, each demanding possession. Fin spread his fingers wide and traced the length of her back until he found the curve of her backside. She shuddered in his arms and melted against him. Under her kiss, he felt a slight triumph. She nibbled and sucked his tongue into her mouth until he knew every inch of it.