The Body In The Treehouse - Page 12/19

​ The body still had her deeply shaken. She put in one of Indian music cd to try to calm down. She fixed Cassie a bottle and fed her. The music seemed to have it's work especially Cassie she felled asleep in no time that made Audrey think the first night in the moving van she had put one of her big pillows on the floor as a bed for cassie slept on the back seat which wasn't comfortable at all. then again in the van so the minibus with a real bed might just do the trick.

​ She saw a private RV home park behind a tall fence and thought now this is what I need a secure place for one good night sleep. She pulled in and there was an elderly couple who came out. They told her that they were closing up for good and was going to move to Texas to live with their children but she could spend the night if she was going to need just electric. Audrey thanked them and just plugged the electric in and with the fence, watch dog and the couple she felled asleep in no time. For once since Cassie and her went on the run they did get the needed sleep that they both needed. She woke up feeling really fresh She fed Cassie and ate breakfast herself then dsaid her goodbyes and off on the road again,