It Came In The Belltower - Page 23/25

She then thought of the swimming pool building. She went there but there were a bunch of the students having a good time hanging out. She knew if any ont of them noticed her she would be caught and dealt with severely.

A few feet more she saw the tunnel had widened out quite a bit and saw a light and a park bench. When she exited the tunnel she could see the building of the shops by the city park. She hid behind some bushes when she saw a bunch of flaslights and heard both men and women calling out to each other.

She stayed put behind the bushes where it was dark. She knew not to move or make a sound. She sat on her suitcase to get off the wet ground. There she met a cute little cat. She put it in her lap. She got some warmth from her new friend...

She almost started to cry then festered up enough courage not to so no one would hear her. She sat there for the longest time. the cat was purring softly. Genevie dozed off . She wasn't sure how long she had slept . What woke her up was two men walking on the path and talking.

She didn't recognized the voices of the two men. She just knew she couldn't get caught and made to go back. She prayed to Sister Sarah's god for help. She made her way in the shadows of the buildings.

Before she could reach the church the group of students and security guars along with the nuns was heading down the street still looking for Genevie. She crept into an alley . The alley had big trash bins made out of wood. The doors opened up on the sides.

She stepped in and hid at the side away from the doors wher it was dark. She felt some thing run over her feet. Yes she knew it had to be an alley rat. All she could do was pray to Sister Sarah's God to keep her safe and not to be bitten.

She progressed a few more feet into the alley when she heard voices again. She crept into another trash bin. This one didn't smell that bad. probably because it was emptied. She over heard the women from the brothel talking about they wished they could find her just to get the reward for finding her.

They wondered what that strange man that kept to himself in the shadows wanted with her to pay such an handsome reward. Genevie thought if every one in town is looking for me maybe I should just give up and be killed as a sacrifice.